Infinite Receiving
Infinite Receiving
How to Start Your Month/Quarter/Year With a Bang!
Hello hello you gorgeous human being and welcome to the next episode of The Infinite Receiving Podcast!
Today, we’re diving into a topic that can truly set the tone for an extraordinary year in your business — personal planning. I’m sharing how I’ve been using the brilliant Best Year Yet by Ginny Ditzler to get clear on my priorities and fully step into my role as CEO.
We’ll reflect on the wins and challenges of the past year, uncovering key lessons about prioritisation and the magic of setting big, bold revenue goals for the future.
I’m also sharing my strategies for making those goals a reality.
Ready to take it to the next level? Let's go!
- “It always starts with shifting your perception about what you know you are capable of creating."
- "Asking for the sale six times a day is the minimum amount that you need to do on a consistent basis."
- "Investing in relationships becomes a guiding principle."
- 06:04 So the first part is to review what patterns do you notice? And the way that we did it is we looked at personal success and professional success and failure.
- 10:28 It always starts with shifting your perception about what you know you are capable of creating and allowing if you have the right systems, processes, tools and people in place.
- 14:25 The important work is stuff that creates sustainability within the business. It keeps the ecosystem going. It's stuff that is... the non-firefighting stuff.
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Faith + Action = Miracles