Infinite Receiving

How To Maximise Book Sales

Suzy Ashworth Season 2 Episode 142

Hello hello you gorgeous human being,

Welcome to the next episode of the Infinite Receiving Podcast – this one is a peak behind the curtain. It is taken from a live Q&A we have every month inside of the Member’s Club. The question asked was: What kind of energy should I cultivate to ensure my book quickly expands in terms of sales?

Energy plays a key part in sales, the energy you put out in the universe is the same energy you attract - which has a HUGE impact on how well your book performs. In this episode I share with you 3 ways to maximise your book sales through cultivating the right energy. 

Are you ready to maximise your book sales?

Lets dive in! 

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  • “The more you try to speak to the masses, the more you dilute the subject matter because you're trying to speak to many people.”
  • “That would be the second really true piece, is that ultimately, I wrote the book to be a bible for myself.”
  • “In the beginning I was very consciously trying to speak to people who weren't necessarily entrepreneurs.”


  • 02:57 The more you try to speak to the masses, the more you dilute the subject matter because you're trying to speak to many people.
  • 3:55 I wrote the book to be a bible for myself. And so I am still going back on a daily basis and picking things out that, one are useful for me to remember, but then two are helping me deepen into my craft and my purpose.
  • 3:09 What I found with Infinite Receiving is that I basically had to rewrite it a second time because in the beginning I was very consciously trying to speak to people who weren't necessarily entrepreneurs.

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